Tips on Travelling Lightly

365 Travel Plan

365 Travel Plan

Travelling is the best hobby in the world. You get to go to different places, taste various delicacies, meet new friends and many more! However, travelling entails tagging along all your stuff and this can be very stressful. The point of travelling is to be able to relax and you won’t be able to do that unless you have little baggage to carry. So here are tips on travelling lightly.

When choosing the best carry-on luggage for your trip, make sure that it is already a light one so it does not add up to the weight of all the stuff you will bring. In addition to this, choose a bag that has an organized interior. This way, you will be able to fit everything you need in one carry-on. The best thing about this is that you don’t get charged extra whenever you check in at an airport. There is much carry-on luggage that is lightweight and yet still very functional. Make sure you research properly before making a decision on what to buy. Don’t worry, if you are into stylish bags, you will still find a lot of lightweight luggage that has very cute and sophisticated designs to match your taste.

Transfer Your Toiletries and Cosmetics to Smaller Bottles

This tip is very useful if you are a vain person who has his or her own products for the face, body and the like. You don’t want to bring a whole bottle of lotion or cologne. The best thing to do is to purchase small spray bottles or container bottles so you can transfer everything you need into them and just carry on little amounts, just enough for your trip. This way, all your toiletries will fit in one pouch.


Wear As Much As You Can

Yes, it’s true! The truth is, airlines don’t weigh you, they just weigh your baggage. So if you plan on bringing your heavy coat to a trip, wear that as you check-in. Also, wear the heaviest shoes you are going to bring and just change to slippers once you are on the plane. This really helps especially for the really heavy and bulky clothes you need to bring.

Think Simple

For example, instead of bringing your electric toothbrush, bring a regular one instead. Don’t bring your hair dryer or curler anymore. It’s just a few days of being away from those necessities. Why don’t you just tie your hair instead? Towels can take up a big space so just go ahead and use what’s waiting for you at the hotel. Think of it as a survival game, bring things that will help you survive. No need to bring stuff that is not needed.

Bring a Big Tote

The big tote is where you will put all the stuff you need – the really important ones such as your boarding pass, phone, tablet, charger, medicines and the like. Fit everything you can fit in there. Besides, you will need big tote if you start sightseeing so you can be as comfortable as possible!

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