Hope the Airline Pilot is not Irish!

St. Patrick’s Day
This year, tomorrow to be exact, I’ll be traveling from Richmond, VA to Knoxville, TN during the late afternoon and early evening hours on St. Patrick’s Day. Ordinarily I wouldn’t think twice about traveling on a holiday in the middle of the week. However, one that is fraught with heavy binge drinking, I must admit has me thinking about this short flight.
Admittedly, after working out this evening I actually started considering renting a car and driving to my Richmond hotel room. Workout completed, however, and now I’m thinking twice about such a stunt.
Well, stunt’s not really the best word for pondering such a task. The real deciding factor has more to do with the fact I have to be in a conference room in VA late Thursday afternoon. I would be cutting it too close in attempting to get from Tennessee to Virginia. Considering this is the first time I’ve visited this particular client, I have even less confidence I’d make it there with enough time.
St. Patty’s Day
Perhaps I shouldn’t be quite so paranoid about whether the airline pilot has had any St. Patty’s day drinks. Statistics will likely prove out there are way more chances for me to get involved in a drunken accident while driving the more than 400 miles to VA.
Sometimes when I am particularly aggressive during a workout my mind starts to wander down interesting, albeit destructive rabbit holes. And its really easy to get caught in this spiral of less than positive thinking. Working out hard is all about digging deep and finding something to grab onto while continuing to push the body to reach a goal.
So, while I’m not participating in any drunken parties, and it’s more important to work off my lunch and breakfast calories, I understand that I really have little to be concerned about regarding travel in a plane during one of the most inebriated holidays on the books.