Colombia Travel Guide
Colombia is undoubtedly Latin America’s last hidden gem. Offering visitors miles of deserted white sand beaches, lively nightlife, superb natural and historic attractions, welcoming and friendly people, as well as endless opportunities for adventure and exotic travel, Colombia is a hard place not to love.
Tourism levels in the country remain artificially suppressed, principally because many are deterred from visiting by an outdated and inaccurate view of the prevailing security situation. Yet those who do make it here tend to find any preconceptions rapidly dispelled, replaced by an overwhelmingly positive image of the country and its people.
Most Visitors
In the budget and high end categories alike, leave convinced that Colombia is their favorite Latin American destination. Many also leave indignant at the persistence of its negative reputation internationally, and determined to play a part in reversing it.
The Country For First Time Visitors
Colombia’s ability to inspire such devotion from its visitors means its comparatively undiscovered status will not last long. Numbers of foreign travelers coming to the country have already increased dramatically over the past few years, and are set to expand still further in the future. Now is the optimum time to visit, while it’s numerous, varied and impressive attractions remain relatively quiet.
Plan and Carry Out Your Trip
Travel guide Colombia is intended as an introductory guide to the country for first time visitors. It provides suggestions as to the best places to visit, the most enjoyable activities available, and details of the largest and most exotic festivals and celebrations in the Colombian calendar.
The site has all the practical information you will need to effectively plan and carry out your trip, including: advice on how best to travel to and around the country, guidance on how to stay safe and how to integrate into the local culture, language tips, information on costs, visas, food and drink and much more besides.