Getting the Content Live

Content Management
The next few steps can be rolled up into one, and let’s face it, there’s not much to discuss around getting your content live, however there are a few tips I’d like you to consider:
1. Agree on the content beforehand with the publisher, this will save you a lot of time rewriting and amending.
2. Use a quote from your company somewhere in the article if possible, others will no doubt write and refer back to the publisher, you want a reason for them to link back to you too.
Once the content has gone live you need to seamlessly move into the next few phases.
Leverage Relationships
Any SEO or Link Builder should be continually developing relationships within the blogsphere and reaching out to bloggers of all sizes within the industry they are working in. When your content goes live on the ‘authority’ source you can then leverage these relationships to develop guaranteed discussion and links.
Either re write the story, or ask the blogger to write and comment on the source from their own perspective, obviously attributing the links in a way most beneficial to your cause. It’s important that these posts go live within days of the main resource going live, freshness is key to getting the maximum benefit. If you’re struggling for bloggers to help you try BLU.
Now I know there are mixed feelings about this in the SEO community, however I personally believe creating ‘noise’ links through press releases and syndication can be beneficial as part of the complete strategy.
Whenever you get a link on a ‘top’ resource, that article will go on to be scraped, hundreds if not thousands of times. It will also be re-reported all over the web on websites differing in terms of quality. Google knows this; don’t you think they will consider it when weighing up offsite signals? I do, in fact I have seen much better results from using this as part of the strategy.
How do I use it? Re write articles around the subject matter, link back to the main resource as well as the target page on your website and spread the content around the web using press/article distribution. Use differing anchor text in each article; you’re not trying to Google bomb your site, just helping to recreate what happens when something naturally gets spread around the web.
Creating Social Signals
We all know that the social graph is growing in strength in terms of its impact on rankings, nowhere near as strong as the link graph but we know it’s a factor none the less.
Just like with bloggers you need to be continually reaching out to people via social media, constantly expanding your circle of influence. Then when your grand link building plan goes live you can send it their way and hopefully rely on some very influential shares.
Due to the viral nature of some of this strategy it is important to monitor your Google alerts, and contact any sites that have failed to give you a link. I am of the opinion that once content has been crawled new links put in it don’t count half as much, however I still think it is worth the effort to drop a short email to all those who fail to add a link, especially if they are a potential source of traffic.
There are Three Key Points I’d like People to Get from this Post:
1. Creating link worthy content is as much about the publisher as it is the quality of content, trust is everything.
2. Don’t use link building techniques in isolation; one strategy alone is never going to give you the results you want.
3. Try and make all this happen in the space of a week, it has to resemble links and content that have a viral nature.
Oh and when my YOUmoz post finally does go live, please head over there and give it a thumbs up 🙂 There are some pretty interesting stats in there.