The Power Of Backlinks

SEO Backlinks
I’ve been operating websites for a dozen years now, and I’ve come to the conclusion, that despite what other so-called experts say, backlinks are good! It doesn’t take a genius to equate more backlinks with more web traffic.Now the search engine geniuses will try to tell you to temper your backlinks with relevant sites and relevant content and relevant everything else–but what is the ultimate goal of obtaining search engine results? Well, to earn traffic.
SEO Goals
So it seems that your SEO goals are just a big cycle, getting backlinks to get traffic or getting backlinks to get search results to get traffic. Either way, the bottom line is to get more visitors to your website! Over the years, I’ve tried several backlinking strategies, everything from link exchanges, to backlink submissions to web rings, and everything in between.
Backlinking Campaigns
If you continue to persevere with your backlinking campaigns, you’re going to get backlinks. You’ll get people to backlink to your content, add you to their links page, link you to their directory, their friends, and so on. As long as you continue to link to those “good neighbourhoods”, you’re earn traffic, and you’ll improve your search results.
Target Audience
If you reach your target audience, does it matter where the referring backlink was from? It shouldn’t if your goal is to increase stats, increase sales, increase referrals, gain leads, or whatever.
I’ve always found that for my larger sites, it’s a huge mixed bag of backlinks coming from every which source on the Internet. And while some of the backlinks might not have provided much value, I doubt that many of them have hurt either.
The power of backlinks will always be “more is better”. So if you’ve got some ideas for earning steady backlinks, then try every method available to you, from directory submissions to link exchanges, or maybe even paid backlinks. As long as you don’t try and blow up the Internet with a massive spam campaign trying to build hundreds of thousands of backlinks in a brief period of time, you’re sure to reach your goal traffic!