Travelling Far Without the Car

Travelling 2023
In the modern world, we have grown used to having our cars and using them when we want to go anywhere and as a result when someone mentions alternative transport we are often conditioned to think “hybrid car”, “flex fuel” or in some cases “diesel”. But alternative transportation methods can have more than four to seven seats, fewer than four wheels and can cost next to nothing to run, if you’re prepared to take the plunge into a brave new world of alternative transportation.
If you are just going into town to meet a friend, do some light shopping or have something to eat, then you can save a bunch of money on petrol and on parking costs, as well as easing your carbon footprint. The quickest way to achieve this is to take the bus. Assuming that you have a stop nearby, hopping on the bus will get you into the center of town rapidly and save money.
It also means one less car on the road, so the more people who decide to take the bus the less traffic there will be, and this is not only good for the environment, but also means less time wasted sitting in traffic waiting for the queue to move forward. Sure, all those other people may be a bit daunting at first, but think about it this way – you’re not going to feel like jumping out and hitting someone for cutting you up.
If the bus is not to your taste – and in some areas the quality and quantity of public transport makes this entirely understandable – you could do yourself a bit of good by getting on a bike and cycling where you want to go. It is as healthy a way to travel as there is, giving you card-vascular exercise and lungful of fresh air.
There are fewer limits on where you can go, too, with the premium on parking much less of a problem than it would be in a car. There is the drawback of arriving where you’re going with a bit of a windswept look, but if you’re going to the gym – for example – this is much less of a problem and you can have a shower when you get there.
If you have the time, you can even dispense entirely with wheels and walk to your destination. Many people set off early to go where they are meant to be just so that they can walk it and leave the car at home. No environmental impact, great for your physical fitness and without a doubt the best way to see the sights, walking is a benefit in so many ways for you and for the planet.
If cars are simply indispensable due to insufficient public transport, physical conditions or distance issues, then you could always consider car-pooling with people who have a common end destination to you. Getting or giving a lift means that you could end up using one car instead of four – keeping the traffic lines shorter and the air cleaner.