Here’s a Good Reference for the Top 50 Accounts Job Seekers Should Follow

Job Seekers
You might also want to follow influential people within your niche. Use the advanced Twitter search or free Twitter listing services like Illustrious or We Follow to discover more interesting people to connect with. Twitter is a good place where you can learn a lot, as there is a huge amount of information flow. However, you will also want to make use of it to establish yourself as an expert in your industry.
In order to gain influence, you will need to ensure that your tweets are relevant and are added value for all your followers. To manage your Twitter account, I would recommend free tools like Hoot suite (it’s my tool of choice) or Buffer (to schedule your tweet and some analytics).
Facebook is getting more and more attention lately in relation to job search options. The rise of applications such as Be Known or Branch Out aimed at helping job seekers through the use of Facebook is only the beginning. I’d say that most people use Facebook for personal purposes (I know I do), but I’m learning that it can also have some influence on your job search endeavors.
I suggest you read this article that sums up some cases where comments posted on Facebook cost the user his job. So as common sense should tell you, don’t post compromising photos or comments about co-workers, bosses or anything related to your job (if you’re still holding one, it won’t be for long) as they could hinder your chances of keeping or getting a job. It is pivotal that you monitor your privacy settings closely to ensure that sensitive information is kept private.
In case you haven’t noticed, Facebook is the second most used social network for job posting (56% of employers use it) therefore, having a decent-looking Facebook page can really make the difference when it comes to applying for these positions.
Be yourself and be adventurous. And common sense is best practice! Whatever social network you might decide to use, do post a status update that will let your connection, friends or followers know that you are looking for a job. If you liked the article and the basic tips provided, please come back and tell your story. How do you use social media for job hunting? Is it paying off? What are you doing for your job search? I will be posting soon about job success stories using social networks.