What is Domain Authority?

Domain Authority is a way of measuring how your website performs in search engine rankings and can be used to compare your website with another website or to track the performance and strengths of your site over a period of time. Because this is a way that search engines determine domain trust, it’s an important factor in search engine reputation management.
Search Engine Optimization
If you know anything about Search Engine Optimization, you will have heard of Page Rank, Google’s method of determining the importance of a particular page, although it is not the same as the search engine’s algorithm which governs who gets placed where in the rankings. However, it’s believed that ranking is done on a domain basis which means that page ranking doesn’t depend on how many links a particular page gets, but how many links the website gets in total.
As far as Domain Authority is concerned, Google looks at not just the number of links to the website, but the number of different websites that these links were acquired from. It is based on the number of quality links to a website’s domain and a higher score is achieved depending on not just the number of links, but the number of different websites that those links come from. For example, it’s better to have 500 links from 200 different websites than it is to have 800 links from 20 different websites.
With Domain Authority predicting how well a page ranks on a domain, the higher the Domain Authority, the better chance there is for an individual page on that domain to rank highly. Page Authority predicts the likelihood of an individual page ranking well, no matter what the content on the page is. The higher the Page Authority is, the more likely it is that the page will rank. Page Authority and Domain Authority are used in targeting websites and pages that are more likely to perform well in search engine results.
Domain Authority measurements are calculated by combining a range of link metrics such as the total number of links, linking root domains and others into a single score. Domain authority can be achieved by embedding deep links to a website on external pages, such as social media websites. This means that link building strategies need to focus on deep, inbound links that will help individual web pages to develop trust and authority. It’s also important to have the links to multiple pages on the website and not just to the home page.
Domain Authority is scored on a logarithmic scale ranging from 0 – 100 and the metrics used for measuring it are integrated into many SEO and online marketing platforms. Because Domain Authority scores depend on a combination of different metrics that all affect the final score, it’s fairly difficult to influence and the most effective way of doing this is to focus on the website’s link profile and acquire more links from other pages that are well-linked.