Dashboard of the main Admin Panel

Admin Panel
The dashboard shows quick statistics information, an overview of the new tickets, the replied and closed tickets and links to the other pages of the administration panel. Dashboard of the main admin panel PHP support desk script.
Setting a custom accent color for the site and changing the backgrounds
The Colors and Backgrounds Settings page in the admin panel allows to quickly change the main website color (accent color) – it’s possible to choose between one of the predefined color or enter a custom HTML color code. The other features on the page allow to change the background image of the site and also the home page background. Setting a custom accent color for the site and changing the backgrounds PHP support desk script.
Adding a new support agent in the admin panel
Additional admin users / support agents can be added to the main administrator account – the support agents can be also assigned to groups and have different access permissions for the admin panel pages.
Setting the permissions of a selected admin group
The administrator can grant permissions to selected pages for the groups by clicking on the checkbox of the corresponding page. This allows to create for example a group of administrators (support agents) able to only reply the user tickets, while another group could have permissions to publish help articles or manage the site pages, post news and others. Setting the permissions of a selected admin group PHP support desk script.
Management of the website pages
Using the functionality available on this page in the administration panel, the administrator can easily add new pages or change the position of some pages on the main site, change the pages hierarchy (make a page to be a sub page of another one), deactivate the pages and others.
Editing the settings of a selected page
The functionality allows to edit the page settings like page name, link displayed in the menu, meta title, description and keywords, set if a page show show only in the bottom menu, select a custom extension (custom PHP file) to be executed for it or set a different template to be used only with this page. Editing the settings of a selected page PHP support desk script.
List of the registered support users in the admin panel
The page allows the administrator to see the list with registered users, edit their information, deactivate any of them etc.list of the registered support users in the admin panel PHP support desk script
Creating custom extensions or adding custom tags in the template
PHP Support Desk is using a flexible template system – the templates are like static html files mixed with special tags (replaced in runtime with the corresponding html content of them). This page in the admin pane allows you to create your own custom html tags (to be added in the template), you can also create PHP files with your code and set the files to be executed for the tags.
Sending a newsletter to the registered users
The functionality to send newsletter in the admin panel allows the administrator to send a newsletter to all the users registered or to a selected list of users only. Sending a newsletter to the registered users PHP support desk script.
Dashboard of the user admin panel
The dashboard of the user admin panel has links allowing to quickly go to the page for submitting a new ticket or see the list of the replied tickets or access the knowledgebase with help articles.
Submitting a new support ticket
When submitting a new ticket, the user can select the ticket category, enter the title, message, select the ticket priority and attach any screenshots. Submitting a new support ticket PHP support desk script.
Knowledge base help articles in the user admin panel
Searching the knowledgebase help articles in the user admin panel – the user can browse the help articles, read and save any of them.
The home page of the main site
The home page of the main site shows a search form, link to submit a new ticket, links to the knowledge base help articles and frequently asked question sections, as well as browse the articles by category and see the last added articles and questions. The design of the home page and main site can be easily customized form the admin panel, by changing the background images, add logo, setting different colors to match your corporate identity etc.